Day 21 - To Porriño

Walked today: 22.1 km
No of steps: 28599 steps
Total walked: 307.0 km

We got up at 6:30 and ready to go by 7:30 am but it was too dark. We forgot the time change from Portugal to Spain.  Sunrise is not until almost 9 am so we waited.

We started to move at first light and in a couple of blocks we found an open church with Mass starting. It was the Convent of the claustered Clarisas.  We stayed and some several other pilgrims joined us.  At the end of the Mass the priest gave us a pilgrims blessing.  We started the day with a blessing after holy Communion.

The morning was foggy but pretty.  There was a bit of rain that would continue on and off until we got to Porriño.  This is a very nice part of Galicia.  In some places we walked on the Via Romana XIX and we crossed several Roman bridges. They really don't built bridges like they used to.  They don't last 2000 years.

After 3 hours I realized that I had not put my orthotics in the boots.  No wonder my feet were hurting.  We found some benches under cover with a couple of German gals and we stopped there to rest and for me to fix my boots.  After that, the walk became very long and painful for me. I guess a pilgrimage without penance doesn't exist.

Finally we got to Porriño at around 2 pm.  We traveled the last couple of hours with Maria from Brasil.  She was trying to decide if she was going to go further so we said goodbye.

Very soon we found a restaurant and had our big meal of the day, then to the hotel where we rested for a couple of hours.

To end the day we went for a stroll in town.  Porriño has a nice pedestrian street so we bought some fruit for tomorrow's walk and we found a church open.  The Mass was ending so we decided to stay for our rosary.  Luckily, they had the rosary after Mass so we joined in.

Now, we are ready for the night in our hotel.

Santiago, St. James the great, pray for my sons and their families and for the wonderful woman that God gave me.


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